Monday, February 10, 2020

Evaluate And Revise

                                        The E in the ASSURE Model

"Anyone can develop a lesson and deliver it, but really good teachers must reflect upon the lesson, the stated objectives, the instructional strategy, the instructional materials, and the assessment and determine if these elements of the lesson were effective or if one or more of them need to be changed the next time the lesson is done” - (“The ASSURE Model, Heinich, Molenda, Russell, Smaldino, 1999”).

   The final step in the A.S.S.U.R.E Model is equally as important as the other five (5). In this step , you Evaluate and Revise what was taught in the lesson. When we think of the term of "evaluate", we think of a form of assessment that is giving. According to Oxford dictionary, Evaluate is best defined as " to form an opinion of the amount, value or quality of something after thinking about it carefully." When are doing your evaluation, you are evaluating your teaching strategies, and the technology, media and materials that were used.

  When evaluating yourself the following questions: 

  • Did your lesson meet the learning objectives that you planned?
  • How will you determine whether the students reach the objectives?
  • Is your way of assessing the students in line with your learning objectives?
  • Can this lesson be improved? How? 
  • How are you going to assess the weaknesses in your presentation?
  • Was your choice of media and materials a good one? How will you assess the effectiveness of these tools?
  • Is it possible that other technologies, media, and materials would have done a better job?
  •     The Revised part of this step should be student based, it should focus on their feedback's. The term Revised means " to change your opinions or plans, for example because of something you have learned" or "to change something, such as a book or an estimate, in order to correct or improve it". 
        When revising you should ask yourself the following questions:
    • Was their experience positive overall?
    • Do you feel that they've reached your objectives and their own  personal objectives?
    • How will you determine whether or not your performance was effective?

     Site:Assure ModelEvaluateReviseQuote

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